Monday, October 13, 2008

Holy Spirit

By []James Peters Sr.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

As the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit is vital to the life of the believer. After accepting Christ it is the Holy Spirit's role to direct our steps and make sure that we fulfill the will of God. We must begin to understand who He is and what His role is in the life of the believer.

Everyday you wake up you should begin your day by talking to Him and ask Him what He should have you do. Remember He is God and lives in you, you must yield to Him so that your destiny will be fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

He is your lifeline to the Father and to the Son. Without Him you will never come to a fullness in your Christian walk. Without Him you cannot understand your relationship with the Father and the Son. Without Him none can be saved. Remember it is the Spirit that draws all men to Christ by the will of the Father. Allow Him to take over your life, by yielding to Him your life will never be the same. The Holy Spirit will help you walk in Holiness and live above sin. Ask Him to help you resist temptation and walk closer to Jesus. He will always point you to the Lord Jesus Christ. To help discern His voice you must speak to Him and always be aware of His presence. How glorious it is to know the God of the universe. Won't you come into a fullness of intimacy with God.

Do you desire to know Him as deep as all the fathers of faith, you can. By building a relationship with the Holy Spirit you will have access to everything you need to know in life. Get to know Him, love Him, fellowship with Him, desire Him, talk to Him, and you will never be the same in Jesus name!!

James Peters is an ordained pastor. His dream is to preach the gospel to this nation and draw the church into a closer walk with Jesus Christ and really promote holiness to the body. He is passionate about God and the Holy Spirit. He has written an step by step book on hearing God's voice.

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From Panic to Purpose - A Personal Triumph in Overcoming Panic Disorder

By []Angela K. Brittain

When I began having panic attacks back in 1988, I never dreamed I would be traveling all over and ministering to people about anxiety and fear. But literally, what the enemy meant for evil, God worked for good.

I can remember feeling so afraid to even go out of the house to get groceries or go out for dinner. But as I learned more and more about panic disorder, I realized that a big part of it was a spiritual battle against fear. So I set out to combat it with the Word of God.

In studying about anxiety and fear, I noticed that much of the time when the subject was addressed in the Word, it was mentioned in conjunction with our thoughts and our words. For example, Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 to "be anxious for nothing..." Then in verse 8, he is telling us to "think on these things." And when Jesus is talking about being anxious in Matthew 6, about what we are going to eat or wear, He says, "Therefore take no thought, saying..." So it would seem then, that our thoughts and our words are important if we are going to be victorious over fear and anxiety.

Along with learning how to combat the physical symptoms that accompany panic attacks, I learned how to win the battle in the mind. When a fear-filled thought would come to torment my mind, I would follow the directions mentioned in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and "bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." And after daily submersing myself in the Word of God, I began to be able to recognize instantly when a thought was not coming from Him. For instance, if the enemy would throw a fiery thought-dart like: "You'll never be able to finish your degree...all that time and money you spent going to college was a waste." I would say, "Oh no you don't...I bind that thought in the name of Jesus. The Word of God says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!"

Sometimes I would have to do that again and again when the fear and irrational thoughts were relentless. But after a while, the thoughts would be more and more intermittent and eventually they passed. It's a matter of renewing your mind and literally cleansing it with the Word. When you constantly make deposits into your spirit, and meditate on God's Word, fear can't stay!

I need to be sure and point out though, that fear must be confronted. You can't just hope it goes away. Because it doesn't retreat. In fact, it brings reinforcements like despair, hopelessness, depression, worry, doubt and unbelief. So it is a conscious thing that you have to "on-purpose" stay prayed up and encourage yourself like David did. Command your soul (mind, will, and emotions) to bless the Lord, to praise His name, to be at peace and move forward in Him. Fear wants you to run. The literal meaning of fear is "to run from." The enemy wants you to run from the purpose and destiny in your life. But God says, "Fear not," or "Don't run from it." He says, "I'll be with you and will never leave you or forsake you." Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is the best way to confront the enemy and press on toward what God's called you to do. It keeps you from being isolated and takes the power away from the fear.

Another thing I've noticed about fear is that it has no boundaries. Fear exists in every country, race, and socioeconomic level. I've had visitors from more than 90 different nations of the world to my website, and fear always operates in the same way. Its motive is to torment and keep you in bondage, preventing you from fulfilling the call on your life. It wants to keep you from discovering and using your gifts, talents, and abilities.

That is why I am so honored to be a part of the war on fear, teaching God's people, and those who aren't yet in His kingdom, how to rise above it and take hold of everything that Christ has purchased for them. The doors God has opened for me are incredible, and at times, I find myself saying, "God, I'm not qualified to go there." But I've learned you can't run or hide from His will for your life. He has a way of pulling you back to that place where you got off track and accomplishing what He wants to in you.

So if you are finding yourself going through a difficult situation, having to fight one battle after the other, don't give up! If you will look hard enough, you'll see that God is in it somewhere. And if you give it to Him, you might just find yourself in a situation like mine - where your pain has become your passion and your platform. I heard it said once that, "Your past is someone else's present." And my life is a literal example of that statement as I have gone from panic to purpose!

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Living on Purpose - Finding Your Forgotten Life's Passion

By []Cheryl DeMarco

Who are you? Answer that question right now before you read further. I'll guess that many of you answered the questions by saying what you do, or what your relationship is to someone else. If you named your occupation, or said you are a parent or spouse, you have actually answered a different question.

Who you are is not the same as what you do. All work is designed to end at some time. Children grow up and move away. Marriages end. When identity is tied to anything outside ourselves, we set ourselves up for substantial turmoil when life sends us those inevitable endings. So who are you? Another way of asking that question is: what is your life purpose?

I've been asked this question numerous times over the past three years of coach training and instruction. I can't say I really knew what the question meant, or how to answer it at first. I thought life purpose was for more highly evolved humans, like The Dalai Lama, not regular people like me. I was annoyed and intimidated by the question. It took years to finally recognize my answer to the question: I teach. I am a teacher.

Now that I recognize my life purpose, I realize that I can live it everyday, all the time. I don't need another formal teaching job to fulfill this purpose, because most teaching and learning takes place outside the classroom. When I write, I teach. When I tell my daughter how to make balsamic vinaigrette, I teach. This is what gives me joy: to assist a person to know or do something s/he considers useful and that enriches life. I teach. I am a teacher.

There are two schools of thought on life purpose. Some believe that it is a matter of personal choice; it is whatever you say it is. Others believe that your life purpose is within you and you have no say in what it is. The process for discovering your life purpose is different depending on which you believe. If you believe the former, then choose whatever moves and inspires you, and act on it consistently and frequently. If you believe the latter, your path is more challenging, because you will be seeking a purpose that is already within you. In either case, think about what gives you the greatest satisfaction. What are your greatest strengths? What abilities of yours have others commented on? How would your family, friends and coworkers describe your unique contribution to the world? What could you talk about all day if someone would listen? What activities make you completely lose track of time? What were you like as a kid? What was your greatest passion then? What did you want to do when you grew up?

This is a process which takes time and effort, and for some, a considerable amount of discomfort. Sometimes the need to live in conformance with purpose becomes so intense, that at midlife we recognize a need to step off the path we've followed and devote ourselves to a quest for self-fulfillment. Often that means returning to a deep source of satisfaction we experienced years ago, when we didn't have the courage to follow that course. That has been my experience for sure.

When I was in high school, I wanted to be a writer. I wrote a high school news column for a local paper, and people told me that I was good at it. My parents, however, didn't think journalism was any kind of a career for a woman, so I got a degree in early childhood education. I loved kindergarteners and I was a natural teacher. But restlessness set in after about fifteen years and I became a lawyer. I used my teaching ability to relate to juries, and to assist young lawyers to do the same. After about 15 years (is there a pattern here?) I became a coach. As a coach I teach concepts and help clients find ways to use those concepts to become better leaders. Looking back I see that teaching has been a constant in my life, no matter where I worked or what the job title. I feel like I finally know what I will do with the rest of my life.

So who are you? What is your forgotten passion? What is your purpose in life?

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Gifts and Talents

By []Trina Geter

When you speak of gifts and talents, most people see it as resources to help make themselves look more attractive; in the eye of the public and others around them. Gifts and talents are given to us as investments; to sow into the lives of individuals that need what we have. Not only will they benefit from your innate gift, but it helps to sharpen and prune your investment. So, as you continue this process, the gift becomes more effective as you sow it in others. As you sow the effective gift into others, the greater the duplication of you.

This revelation came to me throughout my tenure with my mentors. Me and my two sisters helped to build an event company, that traveled for a few years across the United States teaching individuals that importance of financial responsibility. Those years were considered to us as; a fast track degree in business. We accepted the opportunity with an innate gift of singing. Not only were we administrators and facilitators of the company, but we also used our gift to open up each event with songs, that reinforced the message of each speaker that mounted the platform.

Our dream, was to become a household name, make hit CDs selling millions, top the billboard chart, have our faces plastered everywhere and travel across the country for sold our concerts. Even though we were not traveling and singing across country, there was a lesson we had to learn. There is more to you than what meets the eye. All it takes is for that one person to see beyond the surface and press on you until the predestined you begin to shine through. Our mentor looked beyond our gift and saw business leaders of a new generation. It was then that I realized your gifts and talents are for others around you. Even though we had never built a business, our mentors saw something far beyond our gift. What they saw not only benefited the company but it groomed us to be the business women that we are today. Focused, driven and passionate about pursuing purpose.

There is nothing that you've done to receive the gift you have. The only required action from you is to sharpen and prune it by using it. Just as our mentors took out the time to teach us; take the time to teach someone today what you know. You are gifted to duplicate your efforts into the next generation. Don't allow your success to keep you blind toward the inexperienced. Sow your gift as an investment and let the duplication process begin!

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